Effects of ECT in treatment of depression: study protocol for a prospective neuroradiological study of acute and longitudinal effects on brain structure and function. BMC Psychiatry 2015, 15: 94. CentralOltedal L, Kessler U, Ersland L, Gruner R, Andreassen OA, Haavik J, et al...
Despite the apparent superiority of ECT over ketamine, the researchers of the current meta-analysis caution that treatment options for MDE "should still be individualized and patient-centered because ketamine's faster antidepressant effects may still be desirable for certain patients with severe MDE who...
The Great Debate Used for more than 80 years in the treatment of severe depression, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) remains controversial. In a "head-to-head" articlepublished onlineJanuary 30 in theBMJ, experts debate its use. John Read, PhD, clinical psychologist, University of East London, ...
最终作者认为,对于难治性严重抑郁症(非精神病),氯胺酮不次于电休克疗法。 文献出处:N Engl J Med . 2023 Jun 22;388(25):2315-2325. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2302399. Epub 2023 May 24. Ketamine versus ECT for Nonpsychotic Treatment-Resistant Major Depression 免责声明: 文中所涉及药物使用、疾病诊疗等内...
Despite this stigma, ECT is ahighly effective treatment for depression—up to 80% of patients experience at least a 50% reduction in symptom severity. For one of themost disabling illnessesaround the world, I think it's surprising that ECT israrely usedto treat depression. ...
depressionzung self-rating depression scaleneuropsychiatric inventorystrokefunctional independent measurementNois available for this article.doi:10.1002/gps.1800M L StekF B van der WurffB M J UitdehaagA T F BeekmanW J G HoogendijkJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry...
Treating Depression with ECT: An Objective ReviewElectroconvulsive TherapyDepressionSelf-Report MeasureObjectivityThe current study examined the efficacy of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) as a treatment method for unipolar and bipolar depression using an objective measure through a retrospective chart review. ...
The treatment lasts for about a minute, and most patients are able to resume 治疗的时间大约一分钟, normal activities about an hour after each session. 大部分的病人在疗程后一小时就能够继续正常的活动。 ECT is commonly used to treat severe cases of major depression or bipolar disorder 重度忧郁症...
Inpatient treatment, ECT found effective for elderly people with depression.Reveals that short-term, intensive inpatient treatment is both effective and efficient for elderly people with major depression, according to a study in the July 1994 issue of 'The American Journal of Psychiatry.'...
The technology has been FDA approved since 2005 for adults with treatment-resistant depression. It has been used over 4 ,000 times. We'll go into some reasons [why] we aren't able to use this more for folks, but with the data that's already available to us, we can see it's a re...