写成 "Et Cetera", "etcaetera, et cœtera or et coetera",但是更常用"etc."。会有同学将这个词拼写成 "ect" 或 "cet",千万不要拼错啦! 8、在"etc." 后正确添加标点符号 "etc"后面是有一个句点的,大家不能丢掉喔!如果在"etc."后面,还要接内容,可以在后面直接添加逗号;如果"etc."就是句子的...
A.ECTistheelectroshocktherapyfortreatingseveredepressionthatdoesnothealwithmedicationtrials.Inthistreatment,anelectricshockisinduced,inlevelsthatarenotbyanymeansriskingthepatient’slife.Ithasbeenprovento be ofgreateffectivenessinpeoplewithrefractorydepression(meaningthatdrugsnolongerhaveatherapeuticeffect)andissavedas...
A proper ECT-rated corrugated board provides an equivalent level of strength to a Mullen Burst rated board, but typically uses less material. Fewer raw materials, meaning lower energy requirements and reduced pollution, are features associated with properly sized ECT-rated cartons incorporating increasin...
こんにちは literally means "as for this day" (こん=これ=this; にち=day; は= as for). It's used mainly in the afternoons or as a general greeting with the meaning of "good afternoon","hello" etc... Unfortunately I don't think there's a greeting that doesn't depend on the ti...
When you weigh the pros and cons of ECT please try to do so without listening to fringe hate groups. Anyone who tells you that ECT is always good or always bad is wrong – don’t listen to them. Instead, try to weigh ECT pros and cons for yourself and consider your own life, illne...
Changes that have been made to conform to journal style will stand if they do not alter the authors’ meaning. Only the most critical changes to the accuracy of the content will be made. Changes that are stylistic or are a reworking of previously accepted material will be disallowed. The ...
was auctioned by the Spanish Air Force and left the Four Winds Airport (Cuatro Vientos) on October 3, 1980 and was never heard from or seen since. I am attempting to find any more available information such as history, flight plan files, persons who may have spoken with the pilot etc. ...
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Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty. See /global/ or contact your Omron representative for published information. Limitation on Liability; Etc OMRON COMPANIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ...
CE Meaning In the past, European countries on the import and sale of the product requirements vary, according to the standard of a country-made goods to other countries is likely not listed as part of efforts to eliminate trade barriers, CE certification came into being. Therefore, CE certific...