(often initial capital letter)Slang.MDMA ( def ). Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofecstasy1 First recorded in 1350–1400;Middle Englishextasie,fromMiddle French,fromMedieval Latinextasis,fromGreekékstasis“displacement, trance,” equivalent toek-ec-+stásisstasis ...
Used by 17c. mystical writers for "a state of rapture that stupefied the body while the soul contemplated divine things," which probably helped the meaning shift to "exalted state of good feeling" (1610s). Slang use for the drug 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine dates from 1985. Formerly als...
Used by 17c. mystical writers for "a state of rapture that stupefied the body while the soul contemplated divine things," which probably helped the meaning shift to "exalted state of good feeling" (1610s). Slang use for the drug 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine dates from 1985. Formerly als...
Ecstasy of non-meaning: the supreme impasse. Voluptate a nonsemnificaţiei: suprem impas. Literature Birds greet the sunrise with an audible ecstasy. Păsările salută răsăritul Soarelui cu un extaz audi¬ bil. Literature Ecstasy is pretty damn good. Ecstasy e al dracu...
Used by 17c. mystical writers for "a state of rapture that stupefied the body while the soul contemplated divine things," which probably helped the meaning shift to "exalted state of good feeling" (1610s). Slang use for the drug 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine dates from 1985. Formerly als...