The long term risks of ecstasy are still uncertain but there is evidence to suggest that it can damage certain brain cells which affect memory and learning. Ecstasy is a Class A drug. Guide to Drug Addiction Drug Addiction Drug Addiction Guide About Drug Addiction What is addiction What ...
economy class economy of scale ECOSOC ECOSOC commission ecosystem ecoterrorism ecotourism eco-warfare ecphonesis ecrevisse ecru ecstasy Ecstasy (drug) ecstatic ecstatic state ecstatically ECT ectasia ectasis ectoblast ectoderm ectodermal ectodermic ectomorph ectomorphic ectomorphy ectoparasite ectopia ectopic...
club drug X ecstasy Adam go XTC hug drug disco biscuit MDMA methylened... noun Synonyms for methylenedioxymethamphetamine Synonyms MDMA Related Words cristal disco biscuit hug drug XTC go Adam ecstasy X club drug Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University...
(非法的)drugs.UK teenagers are taking up to five times more illegal drugs,for example,ecstasy tablets(摇头丸)and cannabis(大麻制品),than in other European countries.The most common drug for UK teenagers is cannabis.Over 35% of 15 to 16-year-olds say they have tried it.Har...
3.Pot=MarijuanaMarijuanaisthemostwidelyused illegalsubstanceintheworldtoday.It'suseisalsothemostcontroversial.Marijuanaismadefromtheplantcannabissativa,aplantthatgrowswild(andisalsocultivatedindoorsandout)throughoutmanyregions.5 4.WorldDrugReport2000 Theillegaldrugtradetouchesmillionsoflivesinbothdevelopedand...
Each drug has a distinct flavor, resulting from its blending in consciousness of different sets of mental organs in different proportions. This is what I call “full-flavor psychopharmacology”. Many mental organs are based on GPCR, the gene family that also includes the odor receptors, which ...
In what could be a pivotal moment for the future ofpsychedelic medicine, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is weighing a decision to approve MDMA-AT, also known as ecstasy or molly, to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. The FDA is expected to make a decision by Aug. 11. ...
Prescription drugs are given to people if they visit a medical professional who decides that it is useful to write them a prescription. Some prescription drugs have a high potential for addiction. Because of this, they are strictly regulated. ...
The drug is outlawed and its users are regarded as fringe dwellers. It seems that most of us think happiness isn't an emotion to be synthesized. Frequently Answered Questions What drug makes you happy and energetic? Amphetamines are a type of drug that can make a person happy and energetic...
Police were alerted to a shopping precinct late Saturday night after reports that the 12 year olds had become ill after taking the drug known as "teddy tablets." Paramedic crews rushed the three girls to hospital in the city as police launched an inquiry to establish who supplied the potential...