SpaceWire features automatic link testing when a node is brought on line - released for operation via software. The transmitter sends NULLs until NULLs are received and then sends FCTs until FCTs are received. The initial frequency is specified [ECSS-E-ST-50-12C] to be 10 MHz. Once the aut...
ECSS-E-00A“方针和原则”中通用的内容归入ECSS-S-00A“系统描述”,特殊的 内容被ECSS-M-ST-10C、ECSS-Q-ST-10C和ECSS-E-ST-10C取代; 2 ECSS-S-ST-00 系统描述 ECSS-S-ST-00-01 术语 空间工程分支空间产品保证分支空间项目管理分支 M-10 ...
夏ECSS将各类文件按标准、手册、技术备忘录三种形式进行划分,分别用ST表示标准,HB表示手册,TM表示技术备忘录,如,原标准ECSS-E-40现在为ECSS-E-ST-40;为避免出现“部分(part)”,ECSS-E-30 part 4现更改为ECSS-E-ST-34,新增加的技术备忘录ECSS-E-TM-10-20表示“产品数据交换”,手册ECSS-E-HB-50为“通信...
ECSS Document Tree 文档结构树
ECSS 标准体系的变化及最新标准目录
ECSS-E-ST-50-15CDIR113December2013 Firstissue-DraftforPublicReview Tableofcontents TOC\o"3-3"\h\z\t"Heading1,1,Heading2,2,Heading0,1,Annex1,1,Annex2,2,Annex3,3"Changelog 3 Introduction 10 1Scope 11 2Normativereferences 12 3Terms,definitionsandabbreviatedterms 13 3.1 Termsfromotherstandards...
The initial frequency is specified [ECSS-E-ST-50-12C] to be 10 MHz. Once the auto link test has passed, the hardware can switch to the programmed rate. A local oscillator is used to supply the 10 MHz reference clock for initialization. A programmable PLL is used to support operation ...
SpaceWire features automatic link testing when a node is brought on line - released for operation via software. The transmitter sends NULLs until NULLs are received and then sends FCTs until FCTs are received. The initial frequency is specified [ECSS-E-ST-50-12C] to be 10 MHz. Once the aut...
ecss-q-st-10c 欧洲ECSS_Q_ST_60C标准解读 ECSS-Q-ST-20-08C ECSS-E-ST-50-13C Draft D ECSS-E-ST-50-52C(5February2010)-RMAP ECSS-E-ST-20-08C_REV-1 ECSS-E-ST-20C Rev.1 ECSS-E-ST-60-30C-PR-Draft1(20June2011)Satellite attitude and orbit control system requirements.pdf ECSS-M...