此模式說明如何建立可重複使用的 GitHub 工作流程來建置 Dockerfile,並將產生的映像推送至 Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR)。此模式會使用 Terraform 和 GitHub 動作來自動化 Dockerfiles 的建置程序。這可將人為錯誤的可能性降至最低,並大幅縮短部署時間...
Terraform aws_ecr_repository资源总是试图破坏 、、 我有一些Terraform代码,它设置了ECR存储库、策略和生命周期策略。" "frontend_ecr_repo_creation" {} repository = "${aws_ 浏览0提问于2019-05-22得票数 -1 回答已采纳 3回答 如何为带有任何前缀的ECR设置生命周期策略?
如何在Terraform中使用Amazon与EKS 、、、 到目前为止,我有两个目录:aws/内部有描述VPC、网络、安全组、IAM角色、EKS集群、EKS节点组和一些EFS挂载的.tf文件。我很难弄清楚如何将EFS挂载作为持久卷安装到我的荚中。在最近的EKS文档中,他们现在说要使用。.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/eks/csi-live 浏览...
Docker-based microservices project on AWS Elastic Container Services using CodeBuild and Elastic Container Registry with the option of deploying in EC2 mode or Fargate mode via Terraform react flask python3 pytest react-scripts ecr-registry tdd-javascript tdd-python ecs-fargate rds-postgres ecs-ec2...
docker aws terraform docker-registry terraform-modules ecr hcl2 Updated Feb 5, 2025 HCL cdklabs / cdk-ecr-deployment Star 170 Code Issues Pull requests A CDK construct to deploy docker image to Amazon ECR docker aws deployment transport ecr cdk Updated Mar 6, 2025 Go nicor...
Should correspond to the value of aws_resource_prefix in terraform_setup/terraform.tfvars. AWS_ECR_REGISTRY_ID The 12 digit AWS id associated with the ECR account. Configuration walkthrough Every CircleCI project requires a configuration file called .circleci/config.yml. Follow the steps below to...
[ 'string' ] lastRecordedPullTime: 'string' registryId: 'string' repositoryName: 'string' } awsRegion: 'string' awsSourceSchema: 'string' awsTags: { {customized property}: 'string' } publicCloudConnectorsResourceId: 'string' publicCloudResourceName: 'string' } tags: { {cu...
This is why it is essential to have pipelines with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for infrastructure deployment. HashiCorp Terraform is one of the popular IaC tools for customers on AWS. In this blog, I will guide you through […]...
Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: Post http://ipc/registry/credstore-updated: dial unix backend.sock:connection: connection refused Here is the screenshot of the error - AWS ECR docker login error storing credentials err exit status 1 ...
terraform-aws-ecr Terraform模块来配置AWS 该注册表是不可变的,因此您不能两次推送“最新”容器。 它是100%开源的,并根据许可。 用法 将此存储库作为模块包含在现有Terraform代码中: module ecr { source = " github.com/JamesWoolfenden/terraform-aws-ecr " version = " v0.2.30 " name = var . name...