At ECR, we believe in creating leaders of tomorrow with the best skills; not only include academic excellence but also life skills and values such as behavior and ethics. In today's competitive world, we put in dedicated effort to prepare any individual up to the global standards by teaching...
The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) said on Wednesday (19 June) they had become the third-biggest political group in the European Parliament, thanks to newcomers, potentially entitling them to take part in negotiating the EU's top jobs.
PIPELINEVAR-$GLOBAL_ENV_VAR1#Error parsing reference: "$GLOBAL_ENV_VAR1" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format-$${GLOBAL_ENV_VAR1}#Error parsing reference: "
PollForJobs StartPipelineExecution UpdatePipeline Amazon Cognito Identity Basics Actions CreateIdentityPool DeleteIdentityPool DescribeIdentityPool GetCredentialsForIdentity GetIdentityPoolRoles ListIdentityPools SetIdentityPoolRoles UpdateIdentityPool Scenarios Create an Amazon Textract explorer application...
- git config --global url."https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}".insteadOf "" - go env -w GOPRIVATE="*" - export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin ...
client-batch:This feature allows AWS Batch on Amazon EKS to support configuration of Pod Annotations, overriding Namespace on which the Batch job's Pod runs on, and allows Subpath and Persistent Volume claim to be set for AWS Batch on Amazon EKS jobs. (00737e53) ...
Global Accelerator AWS Glue GuardDuty AWS Health HealthImaging HealthLake HealthOmics IAM IAM Access Analyzer Image Builder Incident Manager Incident Manager 联系人 Amazon Inspector AWS IoT AWS IoT 1-Click 设备 AWS IoT 1-Click 项目 AWS IoT Analytics Device Advisor AWS IoT data AWS IoT Events AWS ...
client-sagemaker:This release adds support for Amazon EMR Serverless applications in SageMaker Studio for running data processing jobs. (b43bb894) client-rds:This release adds support for specifying optional MinACU parameter in CreateDBShardGroup and ModifyDBShardGroup API. DBShardGroup response will ...
@Library('') _ jenkinsBackupJobConfigsPipeline( dir: 'jobs', // directory in current repo to download and git commit to env: [ "", "JENKINS_CLI_ARGS=-webSocket" // -webSocket gets through reverse proxies like Kubernet...
本主题介绍如何使用官方 Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public (Amazon ECR Public) 或 Docker Hub 映像,在 Docker 上运行、配置 AWS CLI 版本 2 以及对其进行版本控制。有关如何使用 Docker 的更多信息,请参阅 Docker 的文档。 官方映像提供 AWS 直接支持和维护的隔离、可移植性和安全性。这使您能够在基于容...