sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp sudo mv -v /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin curl -fsSL -o
"ecr:CompleteLayerUpload", "ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer", "ecr:InitiateLayerUpload", "ecr:PutImage", "ecr:UploadLayerPart" ] } ] } EOFaws ecr set-repository-policy --repository-name${REPOSITORY_NAME}--policy-text file:///tmp/repo_policy.json Create an STS kubernetes secret and appl...
Jenkins - Advanced Jenkinsfile & Groovy Shared Library Advanced Jenkinsfile & Jenkins Shared Library. Jenkinsfile - epic Jenkinsfile template - full of real-world tricks from Production vars/ - Groovy Shared Library reusable functions - used in Production for years Additional Jenkins scripts are avai...
"ecr:CompleteLayerUpload", "ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer", "ecr:InitiateLayerUpload", "ecr:PutImage", "ecr:UploadLayerPart" ] } ] } EOFaws ecr set-repository-policy --repository-name${REPOSITORY_NAME}--policy-text file:///tmp/repo_policy.json Create an STS kubernetes secret and apply it ...
Build our Docker image using the following command. For information on building a Docker file from scratch see the instructions here. We can skip this step if our image is already built: $ docker build -t ecs-circleci-einsteinish .
Updated dependencies and fixed mergify file May 17, 2022 .mergify.yml Changed master -> main in yml files. May 20, 2022 chore(release): 2.0.1 Oct 3, 2023 Creating initial file from template Oct 31, 2019 ...
deleteRepositoryCreationTemplate, deleteRepositoryPolicy, describeImageReplicationStatus, describeImages, describeImageScanFindings, describePullThroughCacheRules, describeRegistry, describeRepositories, describeRepositoryCreationTemplates, getAuthorizationToken, getCachedResponseMetadata, getDownloadUrlForLayer, getLifecyclePo...
deleteRepositoryCreationTemplate, deleteRepositoryPolicy, describeImageReplicationStatus, describeImages, describeImageScanFindings, describePullThroughCacheRules, describeRegistry, describeRepositories, describeRepositoryCreationTemplates, getAuthorizationToken, getCachedResponseMetadata, getDownloadUrlForLayer, getLifecyclePo...
Build our Docker image using the following command. For information on building a Docker file from scratch see the instructions here. We can skip this step if our image is already built: $ docker build -t ecs-circleci-einsteinish .
template: metadata: labels: app: app-ecr spec: containers: - name: app-ecr-container image: [ECR Repository URI]/awsrosa/testrepo:latest ports: - containerPort: 8080 imagePullSecrets: - name: ecr-docker-secret EOF Control access to the repository using the permissions policy in the ...