. Knowledges about their toxicity mechanisms, environmental behaviors, and human exposures need to be comprehensively studied and clarified for a better control and regulation for their release into environment. This special issue focuses on the studies associated with the toxicology and environmental ...
Environmental Safety select article The association between urinary glyphosate and aminomethyl phosphonic acid with biomarkers of oxidative stress among pregnant women in the PROTECT birth cohort study Research articleOpen access The association between urinary glyphosate and aminomethyl phosphonic acid with biom...
The chemical and biological properties of glyphosate are key to understanding its fate in the environment and potential risks to non-target organisms. Glyphosate is polar and water soluble and therefore does not bioaccumulate, biomagnify, or accumulate t
From an ecotoxicological and environmental safety point of view, the Eltonian niche can predict secondary changes in community structure and ecosystem functioning in the case of pollution and local extinctions. Ecological differentiation of cryptic species is puzzling. Under the premise that these species...
The ocean faces an era of change, driven in large by the release of anthropogenic CO2, and the unprecedented entry of pollutants into the water column. Nanomaterials, those particles < 100 nm, represent an emerging contaminant of environmental concern. Research on the ecotoxicology and fate ...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a guidance for the assessments of human drugs; according to this, applicants in the U.S.A. are required to provide an environmental assessment report when the expected introduction concentration of the active ingredient of the pharmaceutical ...