Examines the pros and cons of ecotourism as a means to economically maintain wild areas. Examples of successful and unsuccessful ecotourism from Rwanda's Parc des Volcans to Nepal's Annapurna Sanctuary; How ecotourism differs from nature tourism and adventure travel; Booming interest in ecotourism; ...
This revised and updated edition of ecotourism provides a broad introduction, including: New information on the magnitude of the tourism industry, nature-based tourism, wildlife tourism and the pros and cons of mass ecotourism. Revised chapters on development, economics, marketing, policy, ecotourism ...
Examines the pros and cons of ecotourism as a means to economically maintain wild areas. Examples of successful and unsuccessful ecotourism from Rwanda's Parc des Volcans to Nepal's Annapurna Sanctuary; How ecotourism differs from ...