2017. Thermocline deepening boosts ecosystem metabolism: evi- dence from a large-scale lake enclosure experiment simulating a summer storm. Glob Change Biol. doi:10.1111/gcb.13512.Giling, D. P., J. C. Nejstgaard, S. A. Berger, H.-P. Grossart, G. Kirillin, A. Penske, M. Lentz, ...
The structure, feeding and metabolism of the filterfeeders community of Lake Vechten (The Netherlands) were investigated for seven years in relation to the
The impact of storms on periphyton and metabolism was first studied in Sycamore Creek, a desert stream subject to flash floods (Fisher et al.,1982). Continuous monitoring of dissolved O2concentrations facilitated assessment of storm effects on metabolism in the River Necker (Uehlinger & Naegeli,19...
catabolic and anabolic capabilities [16,17,18,19], suggesting a fermentative and pyruvate-centered metabolism [5,20]. However, additional catabolic pathways such as the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, an incomplete Entner-Doudoroff pathway, the beta-oxidation pathway, and a RubisCO-dependent nucleoside...
Microbialites accrete where environmental conditions and microbial metabolisms promote lithification, commonly through carbonate cementation. On Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, microbial mats occur widely in peritidal environments above ooid sand but do not become lithified or preserved. Sedi...
(Coastal: Chloroflexi and Crenarchaeota; inland: Methylomirabilota and Acidobacteriota) and that the community structures differed both among sinkhole types, and within the sediment zones that were studied. These microorganisms are associated with different types of metabolism, and differed from a ...
Isolated and highly stratified, the extreme geochemical and environmental features of meromictic ice-capped Lake A, in the Canadian High Arctic, provided an ideal model ecosystem to resolve the distribution and metabolism of aquatic sulfur cycling microorganisms along redox and salinity gradients. ...
Turbulence also can b e generated by shear in the presence of stable stratification. In fact, stably stratified shear turbulence is the predominant form of turbu- lence in the ocean, where it controls mixing across the pycnocline. As a result, a great deal of research has concentrated on ...
This chapter deals with climate-related changes in the marine ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is often described as one of the world’s largest brackish water bodies. It has a unique combination of oceanographic, climatic, and geographic feat
By mapping the environmental conditions of the water column within each area, we validated run-off presence in the glacial and terrestrial run-off area, resulting in a stratified water column. In contrast, the water column in the control area was well-mixed. The generally small temperature and...