Optimising Resource Use at Large Dams Using the Ecosystem Service Approach - a Case Study from the Kafue River, ZambiaIan G. Cowx
Beaver have been referred to as ecosystem engineers because of the large impacts their dam building activities have on the landscape; however, the benefits they may provide to fluvial fish species has been debated. We conducted a watershed-scale experiment to test how increasing beaver dam and col...
transmission lines, or inundation. Including the potential new road and transmission line infrastructure needed for dams provides a much broader assessment of the full ecological impacts of proposed dams and their secondary effects.
We focused upon the impacts of river basin flooding rather than flooding involving seawater intrusion or saltwater flooding, but studies included contained a variety of flood-generating mechanisms such as monsoons, cyclones, snowmelt, storm surges, and heavy precipitation. We chose to use flood return...
In this stretch there is an extensive floodplain and large tributaries still not dammed. In this paper we evaluated the downstream impacts of dams on the floodplain located immediately below Porto Primavera Dam, to answer the following questions: i) what are the main impacts caused by the ...
Some of these concerns are valid, but if they are addressed with proper management strategies, they don’t need to cause an issue. Most schemes across the UK are in infancy, but in Bavaria beavers were reintroduced in the 1960s and are now having impacts on a large scale. In‘Beavers...
McAllister DE, Craig JF, Davidson N, Delany S, Seddon M (2001) Biodiversity Impacts of Large Dams. Background Paper Nr. 1. Prepared for IUCN/UNEP/WCD. Med-Rice (2003) Guidance document for environmental risk assessments of active substances used on rice in the EU for Annex-I-inclusion.... Impacts on wetlands Wetland ecosystems are globally significant as a source of atmospheric methane, an important greenhouse gas. The methane is produced by bacteria that thrive in poorly oxygenated, stagnant water. Today, swamps, peat lands, and agriculturally flooded areas, such as rice...
Biodiversity Impacts of Large Dams International Union for Conservation of Nature and United Nations Environmental Programme, Gland and Nairobi (2001) Google Scholar MEA, 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Wetlands and Water Synthesis World Resources Institute, Wash...
These values are very conservative figures since they include only partial values of 11 ecosystem services and do not include the value of increased protection for levees, avoided catastrophic impacts such as levee breaching, the benefit of reduced displacement of residents, reduced FEMA relief and ...