Ecosystem Coral Reef BGGpdf Ecosystem: Coral Reef Rulebook JUser actions menu On p2 there is a QR code to "watch the rules". When I scan it, it opens the landing page of the game publisher with no videos about the game. Anybody has an idea which video content publisher refers to?
(intertidal, subtidal,kelp forest, coral reef) and latitude (Edwardset al., 2010). The cause(s) of the diversity effects are varied but typically include three distinct mechanistic explanations: more diverse prey communities may (1) increase the probability of having inedible or resistant species...
ConnectedEcosystem:连接系统 Michele Kissinger Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research Program C ONNECTED E COSYSTEM I NTRODUCTION Students will play a game as a class to learn about living and non-living components of an ecosystem and natural cycles. By exploring the relationship ...
Critical thresholds and tangible targets for ecosystem-based management of coral reef fisheries Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 108 (41) (2011), pp. 17230-17233 Google Scholar [17] S. Personnic, C.F. Boudouresque, P. Astruch, E. Ballesteros, S. Blouet, D. Bellan-Santini, et al. An ecosys...
mk30Great Barrier Reef as a walking deadman: "80 per cent of the reef was bleached in April, the first time damage had extended so far along the reef."Scientists know... it's likely that the extensive reef wide bleaching of this year has dealt the largest living structure on this...
A system-dynamic (SD) based DSS for coral reef management Marine and coastal areas (incl. fisheries) Provisioning, Cultural Food, Recreation – – Coastal China Local Quantitative Field survey data x x – Both CHEW, J.D., STALLING, C. & MOELLER, K. 2004. Integrating knowledge for simulat...
Game, E.T.; Bode, M.; McDonald-Madden, E.; Grantham, H.S.; Possingham, H.P. Dynamic marine protected areas can improve the resilience of coral reef systems. Ecol. Lett. 2009, 12, 1336–1346. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ouyang, X.; Wang, Z.B.; Zhu, X. Construction of the...