Maasdorp expects robust growth of the Chinese economy driven by consumption in the second half of this year, despite a possible "bumpy period" in the first two quarters. DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese economy is heading for strong growth in 2023, Vice President of the...
The NDB, headquartered in Shanghai, is a lender established by the BRICS group of emerging nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in 2015. It aims to become a global development bank, mobilizing resources for infrastructure and sustainable development....
South America –Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment culture is flourishing in Brazil via its PIX system, and fintech investment for the unbanked has reached record highs. Still, prolific data breaches, scams and malware attacks threaten the enormous potential of the country’s digital growth, demanding ...
Inflation for the whole of 2022 was around 8 percent in the United States, above 8 percent in the eurozone and around 9 percent in Britain. Emerging economies such as India, Brazil and South Africa saw price growth of 7 to 10 percent during the first 11 months of 2022, said Wan Jinsong...
South America –Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment culture is flourishing in Brazil via its PIX system, and fintech investment for the unbanked has reached record highs. Still, prolific data breaches, scams and malware attacks threaten the enormous potential of the country’s digital growth, demanding ...
In: Chandler N (ed) Landfills: Environmental Impacts, Assessment and Management. NOVA, New York, pp 245–268 Google Scholar Coelho ST, Diaz-Chavez R, Cortez CL, Perecin D, Possetti GRC, Rietow JC, Silva C (2021) Circular economy in Brazil. In: Ghosh SK, Ghosh SK (eds) Circular ...
The Equiteq team is unbelievably good. I’ve never had anyone work that hard on my behalf in my whole career. They were strategic, incredibly detail oriented, and passable therapists all throughout this process. We couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. ...
in this decline was the 2022 reform that reduced Brazil’s state-level value-added tax (ICMS) rates on key sectors such as electricity, telecommunications, and fuel. Although these changes started affecting state revenues in the second half of 2022, the full-year impact b...
Marcos Pires, director of the Institute of Economics and International Studies at Sao Paulo State University in Brazil, said that China's economy is not only growing steadily, but also improving in quality. China's clean energy sector, driven by the rapid development of new energy power generati...
How the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) relates to BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) is, in the light of the growing strength and importance of this organisation and the countries which comprise it, of critical importance. The issue is not simply how the GCC countries ...