Most travellers are booked in Standard, but I also have a lot of clients who I book in Flex or above. Certain travellers have a higher need for last-minute changes, so Flex fares make more sense. Plus, Flex fares also help to keep a passenger's airline status, which is crucial. The...
So while pitch is 31 inches in the rest of the aircraft, on Economy Plus seats it is actually 36 inches. Seat width, however, doesn’t change from the regular, and rather meagre, 17-18 inches on its B747-400 and B777-200 respectively. Qantas Y Class United seats Lufthansa back end ...
Lufthansa economy fares Lufthansa offers four different fare types in its economy class. From most to least restrictive, these tickets are called Economy Light, Economy Basic, Economy Basic Plus and Economy Flex. The differences between Economy Light and Economy Basic on Lufthansa are baggage allowanc...