But, even if the OECD numbers fail to include certain items, there’s a lot of leeway between the 13% of GDP a US basic income would cost, and the 20% of GDP America now pays in benefits. About $1.2 trillion in leeway. So the cost picture at the very least is not all that obvi...
Individuals, including North Korean nationals acting as ostensible government officials, engaged in the worldwide transportation, delivery, and sale of quantities of Supernotes.” The Royal Charm and Smoking Dragon investigations that were concluded this summer revealed a willingness to sell millions of ...
FACT:RUSSIA IS ISIS or ISIS = Russia ;Both ISIS and the Assad regime are led by military and intelligence officers trained in the KGBand both rely on propaganda as a means of internal control, not only of controlling their international image, which is why both so virulently repress independe...
bringing down oil prices. The prices of many other commodities, such as coal and iron ore, are down as well. Instead of oil prices staying up near the cost of extraction, they have fallen
This is why production is going down. There must be efforts to transform knowledge into technology. He added that for this, programs like Innovation Challenge will be introduced in Kerala. On the second day of the Summit, Dr. MAH Azhari, Dr. Basheer Faizi Venkakode, Dr. S.S. Faisal Ahs...
In October 1967 theQueen Marydeparted for Long Beach on its last voyage. Too big to pass through thePanama Canal, the ocean liner had to sail aroundCape Horn, southern Chile. After a 39-day trip, it arrived in December. The ship then underwentextensiverenovations that cost about $31 millio...