经济学家最擅长和模特做 (economists do it with models) --- 经济学是唯一一个两个人可以说着完全相反的东西但是同时获得诺贝尔奖的学科 --- 经济学家从不知道他们说什么,但是他们会让你觉得那是你的错 --- 一个母亲带着孩子穿过一个墓园,看见一个墓碑上刻着:“这里安葬着一个伟大的经济学家和一个诚实...
(Solow, 1997, 90) Put another way, whatever it is that economists do, they do it with models.Colander, David C.Middlebury CollegeEastern Economic JournalEconomists should stop doing it with models (and start doing it with heuristics)", https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2017/preliminary/paper...
Explain as completely as you can what an economist means by scarcity and opportunity cost. How do the 2 concepts relate? What do resources have to do with this? In economics, what is opportunity cost? What are the three bas...
aUntil the mid-1970s, economists had incorporated trade into commodity models mainly through the addition of an export demand or import supply function to the domestic demand and supply framework. 直到70年代中期,经济学家合并了贸易到商品模型里主要通过出口需求或进口供应职能的加法对国内需求框架。[trans...
algebraic equations. At the same time, math has certain disadvantages. Mathematical models lack the nuances that can be found in narrative models. The point is that math is one tool, but it’s not the only tool or even always the best tool economists can use to work with economic models....
Some chapters defend the notion; others attack it vigorously. The book ends with an extended chapter in which Michel Callon, the idea's main formulator, reflects upon the debate and asks what it means to say economics is performative. The book's insights and strong claims about the ways ...
Explain why Economists are anticipating that Hong Kong will slip into a recession with no recovery in sight. Why do economists build economic models? Why did stagflation occur in the '70s? Why didn't it happen in 2009? What is the...
A quantitative modeling approach has been developed that combines theory and empirical studies and allows us, in principle, to collaborate with engineers and natural scientists. In this process, phenomena such as climate change can be incorporated into models of the whole economy, such as Integrated...
What Do Economists Know About the Effect of Rent Control on Housing Maintenance Economists' views concerning the effect of rent control on the maintenance of controlled apartments are based on extremely simple models of housing markets and rent control ordinances and on casual empiricism. This paper ...
How Do Economists Make Assumptions When Designing Models? Economists make a variety of assumptions when designing models. A basic starting point for some economic models can be assuming unlimited wants and unlimited resources. Such assumptions help to better understand the decisions of individuals, such...