Behavioral economists assume that people are emotional and can get distracted, thus influencing their decisions. For example, if someone wanted to lose weight, the person would study which healthy foods to eat and adjust their diet (rational decision); however, when at a restaurant, an individual...
Economists assume that the goal of consumers is to: a. do as little work as possible to survive. b. be as happy as possible given their income. c. expend all of their income. d. consume as much as possible. Economists assume ...
Describe two methods that economists use to forecast developments in the economy. What role do economists assume as they try to explain the world? Why do economists aggregate so much in macroeconomics? What is the method to solve the model when economists cannot do it analytically?
Assumptions make complex economic processes simple. For example, suppose we have to understand the complex process of international trade. Economists can assume a scenario with just two countries. Furthermore, they may assume that each country specializes in just one product. Thus each country exports...
To make the example simple, we assume that there is only one type of automobile factory and that all oil rigs are identical. In order to know “how much” capital of each type there is, all we need to do is count. Table 2 shows the number of each of these “real assets”: Column...
Economists Quotes A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.? Milton Friedman? Columbus did not seek a new route to the Indies in response to a ma...
The value of that appears in our sample is thus given by, . Finally, the value of is chosen by individual according to, if , where is the cost of choosing the alternative and is given by, , where contains additional characteristics of that are not included in . We assume that the data...
Assume we have two producers and want to cut pollution in half. Fig. 1 shows a case with two firms and linear marginal costs of abatement. For Firm 2 they are h times (4 in this case) higher than for Firm 1. In this case, abating 10 units of pollution in Firm 1 costs $50 (...
In essence we leave from the premises that the professional option reflects a specific side of individuals personality which does not choose only for a certain occupation but, implicitly for a certain lifestyle. As a diagnosis approach we assume axiomatic the thesis according to which the high ...
after it took effect, which led to their finding that states that expanded Medicaid experienced a 5.6 percent decrease in theirdivorcerates. Because of the policy change affecting thosestates, it's reasonable to assume a reduction in medical divorces accounted for that difference, the researchers ...