But Hayek is implicitly going rather further, and positing a weighted scale-free network, in which the influence of the highly connected individuals is weighted, in part or in whole, by the number of their connections. So their influence is doubly powerful, by virtue of being connected to man...
Furthermore, we collected data for the Fama and French [16] five factors and the risk-free rate from the Kenneth R. French online library [80]. We selected the matching control sample of non-fintech firms, using the Bloomberg "Relative Valuation (RV)" function [81]. This process yielded...
In the long run – stages 2, 3, 4, etc. –the very fact that the government has chosen to interfere with the free marketsinevitablyresults in economic consequences which undermine the very cause the government policies have initially attempted to advance. We’ll look at one more specific exam...
We are also primed to cooperate with our in-group whether that is a small business, large corporation, or even a nation-state - to obtain monetary (or in earlier times, physical) surplus. Me over Us, Us over Them. 3.6. Cultural evolution, Ultrasociality and the Superorganism “What took...
I’m all for new technologies that subvert convention — but i’m cautiously sceptical about this piece on new multilateralism from Anne-Marie Slaughter in the Financial Times. I love the sentence “while antediluvian men strut back and forth on the world stage beating their chests, a different...
Eurozone.Energy prices remain above historical averages. The price of natural gas (Dutch TTF futures) rose sharply in November before plunging in December and falling to €56 per megawatt-hour by the end of January. The price is one-third its December 2022 high but ...
Public services in the United Kingdom have been transformed over the past 25 years with the introduction of market-oriented solutions into their provision. This has been characterized by a shift away from state provision to independent providers, and by
1. The first, traditional convenience or “corner” stores receive 35% of household spending, and are the channel most frequently visited, 217 times/year/household on average. Poorer households rely more on these stores than middle-class households. Most visits (71%) are on weekdays and 44% ...
(Went, 2004). With the free flow of capital throughout the world financial markets, trading and technology have all exploded at a rapid pace. An investor may borrow money from a bank in London to build a skyscraper in China, and even have financial backers from Australia, Sweden, and ...
We will later reflect in detail on the economic reasoning and consequences of a free riding argumentation. 34. The full title is “An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by Vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Authors or Purchasers of such Copies, during the...