termfor“economicscience”toestablish itselfasaseparatedisciplineoutsideof politicalscienceandothersocialsciences. 大连理工大学出版社 目录 PartIIReadingPartIIReading Economics 如今经济学被定义为决策研 究。它解释了人们在市场内是如 何相互作用来帮助人们获取 他们想要的东西或实现某些目标 的。经济学是人类相互作用...
Short- and long-term impact of governance on firm performance in emerging and developed economies: a comparative analysis Article Open access 05 January 2025 1 Introduction Increasingly, the transition to a digital economy has manifested in new research into electronic economics. This paper focuses ...
So, for the long term at least, Alchian argued that economists don't need to show that all companies try to maximize profits in order to derive the standard conclusions from the profit-maximization assumption. My personal favorite of his published papers is "The Economic and Social Impact of ...
In the convex combination defining a~, the first term b projects the paths of profit/loss X=(Xt)t∈[0,T] onto the terminal date T through the expectation; the second term a pertains to the representation of the monetary risk measure for processes ρ(X). Note that E(XT)<+∞ by the...
Similarly, owner managed companies will go for profit maximization; if they know that their customers are unable to discern quality (in the short term anyway) then again there is little prospect of the provider being punished for providing poor service, thus dampening exit pressures (for example,...
doi:doi:10.1080/04345546809415504OrdishGeorgePest Articles & News SummariesGeorge Ordish, `Some Notes on the Short-term and Long-term Economics of Pest Control', Pest Articles and News Summaries, Vol. 14, No. 3 (August, 1968), pp. 343-355....
The term "isoquant" seems to have been coined by Ragnar Frisch, appearing in his notes for lectures on production theory at the University of Oslo in 1928-29. Whatever its origins, by the late 1930s, the isoquant graph was in widespread use by industrialists and industrial economists.1 ...
The term stabilization policy is also used to describe government action in response to an economic crisis or shock such as a sovereign debt default or a stock market crash. The responses may include emergency actions and reform legislation. ...