doi:doi:10.1080/04345546809415504OrdishGeorgePest Articles & News SummariesGeorge Ordish, `Some Notes on the Short-term and Long-term Economics of Pest Control', Pest Articles and News Summaries, Vol. 14, No. 3 (August, 1968), pp. 343-355....
Chapter1Money 章节结构 1 LearningObjectives(学习目标)4 Notes(课文注释)2 KeyTopics(关键点)5 Exercises(课后练习)3 Text(阅读课文)6 AdditionalReadings(扩展阅读)LearningObjectives Developprecisedefinitionsbyexploringthefunctionsofmoney,lookingatwhyandhowitpromoteseconomicefficiency,tracinghowitsformshave...
Hence, there is no way of proving that one conception of welfare is superior to another as there can hardly be a more value-loaded concept than the term “welfare” (Beckerman, 2011). This makes every specification of the social welfare function controversial....
你的回归结果可能与下面表1中报告的结果相似: 请注意表1报告结果的几个方面: 该表不报告所有自变量(如婚姻状况、性别)的参数估计,只报告主变量(教育)。 该表还有一个脚注部分,标注了Notes标题。 注释:脚注是一个重要的地方,用于澄清和放置次要细节,这将使读者理解你的结果。
NotestoTextAScarcityisthetermusedbyeconomiststoindicatethatman’sdesireforathingexceedstheamountofitthatisfreelyavailablefromNature. 经济学家用稀缺一词指人们对某物的需求超过了可从自然界自由获取的量。 exceed:to be greater than, as in number
The most common auction markets involve livestock, foreclosed homes, and art and antiques. Many operate online now. For example, theU.S. Treasury sells its bonds, notes, and billsvia regular auctions.1 Financial Market The blanket term "financial market" refers to any place wheresecurities, cur...
The term "isoquant" seems to have been coined by Ragnar Frisch, appearing in his notes for lectures on production theory at the University of Oslo in 1928-29. Whatever its origins, by the late 1930s, the isoquant graph was in widespread use by industrialists and industrial economists.1 ...
prices - prices that don't quickly move to their theoretical equilibrium values - taste of what economics is about - general introduction to what economics is about - arcane - overly technical and difficult to understand. It's ironic that the author used this term at this point in the text...
The term of scarcity in economicsis being used in a special way.Limited supplies are not necessarily the same as scarcity in the economic sense.Somethinghas to be in demand and to have alternative uses to be scarce in the economic sense.Even if there is only one example of an item,it is...