The same type of interpretable subgroups reappear with different distributions (Additional file 1: Tables S5, S6, S7), but with notably different thresholds on the Loss of Lifetime criterion to produce equipoise. (Table 3) (These were calculated in the same way as illustrated in Additional file...
IsPerfect•BasicPrinciplesofPureCapitalism •HowPureCapitalismAnswerstheQuestionsWhat,How,andforWhom •ModernMixedCapitalismintheUnitedStates 2.2ECONOMICPRINCIPLESINACTION 17 TheFactorsofProduction°Rent,Wages,Interest,Profit, andIncome aTheCircularFlowoftheEconomy 2.3MARKETSANDPRICES21 WhatDeterminesPricesand...
self-employed and not on entrepreneurs. Second, our study is a theoretical framework that straddles minority enclave theory and resilience theory against the phenomenological aspects of race during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Based on institutional and cultural history, the manifestation, practices...
The multicollinearity diagnostic (Table S6 in supplement material) performed using a correlation matrix shows that our independent variables are not correlated with each other, leading to precise estimation. Regarding the suitability of the first equation, column (1) of Table 1 shows that our exclusio...