Lars Tyge Nielsen is the director of Columbia University’s Mathematics of Finance MA program(MAFN). He was a Chaired Professor of International Banking and Finance, Associate Dean, Chairman of the Faculty Evaluation Committee, andDirector of the PhD programatINSEAD, the international business school...
UT is home to nine colleges and schools... “… I have completed a total of 34 hours at the UT campus. So far, I have learned a lot from my professors. While some classes are huge (200+), others allow for one-on-one time with other students and faculty. Even in the 200+ ...
Five manufacturing sectors have contributed significant job growth in many metros in recent years, at a time when employment in the broader sector has been largely stagnant: pharmaceuticals; computers and electronics; automobiles; aerospace; and food and beverage manufacturing. Some of the job gains...
I thought the professors in the Economics Department at Chicago were extraordinary, and they have influenced my thinking in many permanent ways. But at the end of my leave at Chicago, the intended objective of remaining indefinitely at Rocketdyne no longer had the appeal it once did. I needed...