3.3.1 that this is likely due to differences in student characteristics and the institutional setting of the programs. Therefore, for the remainder of the paper, we will focus on the BuA program. The recent literature shows that default effects can be rather heterogeneous (see, e.g., Jachim...
One of the points of this paper is to suggest that climate change is one symptom of a much larger dysfunction. Multiple interrelated risks all point to an impending, imposed reduction in energy/material throughput in coming decades. There are 2 primary implications of this: 1) Societies need ...
This paper investigates the relationship between the inter-generational transmission of educational achievement (“test-score transmission”) and
In this latter paper are embraced some titles which do not fall within the special province of any of our present instructors; such as Hebrew Sanskrit, the Evidences of Religion, Anatomy, Physiology, and the principles of the Common Law. In regard to the Evidences, there is no doubt that,...
I remember when we were designing the first physical issue of JEP back in 1986. In those pre-Internet days, one issue was what kind of paper to use: it went without saying that we would use library-grade paper that would last more than 100 years, but we still needed to think about ...
The paper deals with problems with teaching mathematics for students of Faculty of Economics, esspecially in combined form of study. Problems of preparing special texts for students in combined form of study and possibilities of their solutions are presented. The second part of presentation describes...
摘要:This paper studies the relationship between industrial robots and employment in Japan on the basis of a unique dataset that allows us to calculate the unit price of robots. Our model combines standard factor demand theory with a recent task-based approach to derive a simple estimation equatio...
1.Whywerethethirdgradersdisappointed? A.Theirtestfailed. B.Thebagmissedthetarget. C.Engineersdisturbedthem. D.Theyhadtocleantheground. 答案A 解析推理判断题。根据第一段“Thebrownpaperbaghittheground...whentheysawthe runnymess.”可推知,三年级学生失望是因为鸡蛋破裂代表他们的实验失败了。故选A。 2....
Category:Master's Thesis , 2024 , Grade: 1,0 Price:24.99 € Digital Business. Digital Transformation Management Autor:in:Anonym (Author) Category:Research Paper (undergraduate) , 2023 , Grade: 1,0 Price:16.99 € Agile Methoden und digitale Transformation. Design Thinking, Lean Startup und Syne...
英文摘要: This paper presents the results of an impact evaluation with an experimental design, that estimates the effect of a low-tech low-cost remote tutoring intervention applied during the pandemic for remedial education purposes on girls and boys aged 9-14 years in three departments of El Sa...