摘要:This paper estimates the effect of Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income receipt on mortality for individuals on the margin of being allowed versus denied benefits. Exploiting the random assignment of administrative law judges to disability insurance cases, we find that benefit allowan...
摘要:This paper examines the impact of exposure to publichealth insurancein early life on outcomes in adolescence in rural China. Exploiting the variation in the county-by-county rollout of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) between 2003 and 2008, we find that exposure to the NCMS duri...
This paper studies how limited information about the source of inequality affects inequality acceptance. We show theoretically that non-Bayesian belief updating can be as important as heterogeneity in fairness views for understanding disagreements about inequality: in a large class of economic environments,...
1. Full paper(publication and presentation) 2. Abstract (presentation only) There are two methods for submitting your paper: 1.By Electronic Submission System: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icaeb2024 2.By our contact email box: icaeb@chairmen.org ...
摘要:Caseworkers are the main human resources used to provide social services. This paper asks whether and how much caseworkers matter for the outcomes of unemployed individuals. Using large-scale administrative data, I exploit exogenous variation in unplanned absences among Swiss unemployment insurance...
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: March 13, 2024 Scope: We live in a fast-paced and interconnected world, in which different focuses in businesses are related and dependent on each other. Four emerging areas of business: Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB) are...
Li candidly states that his still-early-stage, not-yet-peer-reviewed working paper was primarily intended to be a provocation and, as such, may not tell the whole story. "Price efficiency is only one perspective. There may be other theories, although I believe the forces I'm talking about...
Based on the theoretical foundation of the research on the impact path of agricultural exports, this paper integrates the entropy power method to select the agricultural digital technology indicator containing the degree of rural digital infrastructure and digital technology as the explanatory variable and...