1901-02. Autobiographical note, enrollment, course description, syllabus, exams. 1902-03. Obituary, enrollment, course description, exams. 1903-04. Enrollment and exams. 1904-05. Enrollment, course description, exams. 1905-06. Enrollment, paper assignments, exams. 1906-07. Enrollment, paper topics...
To those interested in this subject it may be said that the optional will be given as advertised. The course is in the program for the second half year, and consequently nothing can yet be said as to the success of the study. An alcove has been set apart for the literature of this ...
To recap, for this syllabus, Paper 1 is the case study paper (which constitutes 40% of the total score) and Paper 2 is the essay paper (which constitutes the other 60%). Paper 2 is a 2-hour 15-minute paper where you will need to select 3 out of 6 essay questions to answer. ...