Eliminating de minimis protections would have very unfortunate effects on national prosperity, global commerce, and consumer welfare. A review of recent research underscores the adverse impact. It would cost consumers $13 billion annually, with low-income households bearing a disproportionately high share...
National politics and international relations are henceforth supposed to be dictated by the laws of global economic competition alone. Contrary to this popular belief, the present analysis is based on the hypothesis that the increasing global economic integration is perfectly in line with the classical...
national socialism,Naziism,Nazism- a form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism and obedience to a strong leader managed economy- a non-market economy in which government intervention is important in allocating goods and resources and determining prices ...
History of Political Economy, annual supplement to vol.23, Economics and National SecurityBooks (Book reviewsWolfson, MurraySoutherneconomicassociationMurray Wolfson.“Book reviews—Economics and Nation-al Security(Annual Supplement to Volume23,History of Political Economy)”. Southern Economic Journal . ...
Analysis Of Human Resource Practices And Performance Of Immigration Department In Enhancing National Security In Kenya The immigration department is very critical in the social, economic and political development of any country. This study was conducted to analyze how vario... Victoria K. Avoga,Dr ...
Explore the latest in national and global health policy, including health care pricing, delivery, access, quality, safety, equity, and reform.
Special Issue: Economics in Times of Uncertainty—Selected Papers of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association This paper examines rural conditions from three perspectives: education, demographics, and economics from national, state and regional data sources; Rural ... Jrg Paetzold,...
Behind the development of these exploration methods, was the issue of national security of the United States due to the Cold War between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. after World War II. The need to secure a stable source of strategic metal resources close to the U.S. both ...
estimates and robust to a host of different specifications. besides, local crop mix also evolves with the changing climate. however, accounting for the crop-mix adjustments, climate change by the mid-century is still predicted to ...
the design of IMF programs is influenced by the preferences of these actors. Not least because they are accountable to different audiences than national governments, their policy priorities can diverge from the preferences of national governments, which would decide on national policies more independently...