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1.2 The law of one price 1.3 Decomposition 1.4 Risk neutral probabilities 1.5 Risk-neutral pricing and returns 1.6 Asset economy 1.7 Arbitrage and Arrow prices 1.8 Complete markets 1.9 Spanning through options 1.10 Decision problem in Asset economy 1.11 Radner Equilibrium 1.12 Equivalence of asset and...
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1 Economics of Financial Markets Syllabus 2010 LU, Ding This course examines financial markets and institutions and the economic forces that act upon them. Topics include financial market functions, the structure of interest rates, asset pricing, money and banking, credit risk, financial market regula...
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The Economics of Money Banking and Financial Markets 11th edition 货币经济学、银行与金融市场第十一版的混杂 Money 11 资源描述: The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (11th edition) 货币经济学、银行与金融市场(第十一版)的混杂.pdf,The,Economics,of,Money,,Banking,and,Financial,Markets...
Chapter 1 Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets? 1.1 Why Study Financial Markets? 1) Financial markets promote economic efficiency by A) channeling funds from investors to savers. B) creating inflation. C) channeling funds from savers to investors. D) reducing investment. Answer: C Qu...
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The Economics of Financial Markets 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject of financial markets. Covers markets in central trading places like the New York Stock Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade, and markets in non-central trading such as ...