9. Karnataka 5000+ : Sister married to Tamil Family 10% of bangalore population is Tamil. Tamil policemen , IT Professionals. 10 Tamil Nadu: 10,000+ Sister married to tamil Family from chennai. 11. Bihar: 60.000+ Another sister married in Patna. School Owner, IIT Dhanbad Profesor, MIT Pro...
Evaluation Systems: Elements and Types of Evaluation, Evaluation in Choice Based Credit System in Higher education, Computer-based Testing, Innovations in Evaluation Systems. Unit-II Research Aptitude Syllabus Research: Meaning, Types, and Characteristics, Positivism, and Post positivistic Approach to Rese...
1. (a) State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or incorrect. Attempt any five: (i) Decrease in demand and contraction of demand have the same meaning. (0) (ii) The welfare of people increases with an increase in gross national...
in whose favour 3 Chief Justices of India made improper compromises because the leader of a political party in Tamilnadu was giving him protection. When this news was published the then Chief Justice of India, Justice Lodha, said that some people ( meaning obviously me...
Thus, we expect this variable to have a negative sign meaning that poor producers will be more likely to adopt organic cotton; regional dummies (variables CENTRE and NORTHW). As noted above, data were collected in three regions: Centre, Northeast and Northwest of Benin. These three regions ...