NetCourses: Online training made simple Get started quickly at using Stata effectively, or even learn how to perform rigorous time-series, panel-data, or survival analysis, all from the comfort of you home or office.NetCourses make it easy....
A growing number of studies use “real” effort designs for laboratory experiments where subjects complete an actual task to exert effort rather
Print Guide as PDFCompare journals About the journal Aims and scope Economics Letters aims to be a valuable addition to the specialist literature, offering quick dissemination and easy accessibility of new results, models and methods in all fields of economic research. All researchers are welcome to...
Platforms can create value within their ecosystems through their investments. In this paper, we model a monopolistic platform choosing the level of a deman
Shah, A. K., & Oppenheimer, D. M. (2008). Heuristics made easy: an effort-reduction framework.Psychological Bulletin, 134(2), 207-222. Shampanier, K., Mazar, N., & Ariely D. (2007). Zero as a special price: The true value of free products.Marketing Science, 26,742-757. ...
If you have made it this far, the rest is easy. Simply open Julia, use the Julia commands Pkg.add(“IJulia”), then“IJulia”), then Pkg.update(). You are finished. To open IJulia, you can either use the commands using IJulia then notebook() within Julia, or within...
It is easy to see the connection between technology and governance disruption, the former often enabling the latter, or the latter offering prospects for the innovative entrepreneurs and investors to make use of new technological possibilities. The value chains can be re-engineered with new technology...
Will readers still be using Adobe Acrobat PDF files five or ten decades from now? Will companies still be supporting the necessary software, and the underlying operating systems? Will the hardware of that time, 100 years from now, be well-suited to reading this text? It’s easy to say “...
Notes [1] An essential distinction has to be made here between a 'courtesan', as I use the term in this article, and a common prostitute. The main difference lies in the nature of the relationship with customers. Whereas a common prostitute usually accepted any customer who was willing to...
It is also easy to realise that, because of this, any reward lower than r for unselected, but willing to participate, users will leave s * unaltered. Then notice also that s * may increase in M while decreasing in the size of the committee, for C > 1 , and in the time horizon T...