《中经评论》站在全球视野的高度,以中外两种不同的全新视角关注中国经济发展,观察最新经济热点,展望未来经济走向;2017年8月下旬投稿 with editor半个月后进入under review2017年10月下旬返回结果进入revision2017年12月下旬返修回投进入with editor,此状态保持3个多月,本人很有耐心,未催。2018年3月下旬进入under...
Applied Economics Letters 主办单位:undefined 官网地址:https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rael20/current 投稿方式:undefined 投稿地址:https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ape
journal=ecolet Email Journal: [email protected] Economics Letters aims to be a valuable addition to the specialist literature, offering quick dissemination and easy accessibility of new results, models and methods in all fields of economic research. All researchers are welcome to submit their ...
投稿方式系统投稿 投稿地址https://ees.elsevier.com/ecolet/default.asp 官网https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/economics-letters 知网—— 其他IF=1.745;经济学Q2 3个月录用 一共投过两次稿,均为金融方向,选的主编为Max Croce 第一篇公司金融话题,投稿后一周被拒,主编表示可能缺少Board interest,建议转投...
ECONOMICS LETTERS《经济学快报》 国际标准刊号:ISSN 0165-1765/EISSN 1873-7374 核心类别:SSCI(2022版), 外文期刊, 投稿网址:editorialmanager.com/ec 期刊网址:journals.elsevier.com/e 期刊简介:ECONOMICS LETTERS《经济学快报》(月刊). Economics Letters aims to be a valuable addition to the specialist litera...
in which submissions are sent back for small editorial revisions before acceptance, each paper will be either accepted as is or rejected. Detailed reports will not be provided; the reasons for the decision will be explained in a brief cover letter from theeditor.Economics Lettersaims to have a...
My name is Olha and I also have problems with publishing the Article in this Journal. The payment for the research was made in August, and I still have no response, although I have been sending letters to all the e-mails indicated on the web-site.Can you share the contact of Andrew,...
in which submissions are sent back for small editorial revisions before acceptance, each paper will be either accepted as is or rejected. Detailed reports will not be provided; the reasons for the decision will be explained in a brief cover letter from theeditor.Economics Lettersaims to have a...
Currently known as Applied Economics Letters. Applied Economics Letters is a companion journal to Applied Economics. It publishes short accounts of new original research and encourages discussion of papers previously published in its companion journal. Letters are reviewed by the Editor, a member of th...
Several letters to the editor are presented in response to the article "What's the Matter with Economics" by Alan S. Blinder in the December 18, 2014 issue.PackerArnoldMadrickJeffNew York Review of Books