Fall 2024 /校友说/ ● 校友经验和建议 左右滑动查看更多 本期贡献者 Newsletter Contributors 主办: 香港中文大学(深圳) 经管学院经济学领域 主编: 何捷双 学生助理: 陈思燕 蒋佳慧 温诗玥 感谢王健教授对本刊的指导和建议。感谢以下同事和相关...
The Maya Train is a 1,525-kilometre intercity railway in Mexico that traverses the Yucatán Peninsula. Construction began in June 2020 and the Campeche-Cancún section began operation on December 15, 2023, with the rest of the line to open later. The project aims to connect tourist destination...
《Theoretical Economics》 Volume 19, Issue 4 (November 2024) 目录及摘要 枫雪苑 中国社会科学院研究生院 数量经济学博士1 人赞同了该文章 学术文献监测平台:New文献 功能介绍 今日有更新期刊:《European Economic Review》《Journal of Public Economics》《Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy》《Manufactu...
Fall 2024 /校友说/ ● 校友经验和建议 左右滑动查看更多 本期贡献者 Newsletter Contributors 主办: 香港中文大学(深圳) 经管学院经济学领域 主编: 何捷双 学生助理: 陈思燕 蒋佳慧 温诗玥 感谢王健教授对本刊的指导和建议。感谢以下同事和相关...
A Basic Income Could Solve 8 of Society’s Biggest Problems –the big initiative in the 21st century should be this. We can eliminate poverty and remove many social ills with it. It will not be a cure all, but it can cure a-lot. If You’re so Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? Turns...
One of the biggest issues facing VCs investing in AI is, for example, the ability to evaluate the economic and financial viability of AI-related businesses. Valuations should be carefully done to separate ventures that have groundbreaking technology from others that are simply riding the AI hype ...
Other than Art Laffer, I think of myself as the world’s biggest advocate of the Laffer Curve. I’ve literally written hundreds of columns explaining and promoting the concept. My goal is to help people understand that there is not a linear relationship between tax rates and tax revenue....
Set aside, for a moment, that it is surely aninsanitythat we do not treat the education of our youngest children as a national priority for public funding. More urgently it is fundamentally wrong that the people who will be the biggest losers in this situation are the people who need the...
doi:10.1515/jbnst-2024-0060Michael NeugartDepartment of Law and Economics, Technical University of Darmstadt, Hochschulstraße 1, 64289 Darmstadt, GermanyFrank WesterhoffDepartment of Economics, University of Bamberg, Feldkirchenstraße 21, 96045 Bamberg, Germany...
Actually, in terms of the average sales big businesses in each province, top 30 big businesses in the provinces in the coastal region tend to have the biggest sales (389,982 million RMB), compared with those in less developed regions, namely, central (average 213,617 million RMB) or ...