主题:Howimportantiseconomicsinourdailylives? Economicsmayseemtohavenothingtodowithoureverydaylife,butitactuallyhelpsindividualsandbusinessestomakeinformeddecisionsindifferentfields.Knowingeconomicsisveryimportantwhenyouwanttomakelargepurchaseslikeahouseoracar,whenyouarethinkingaboutstartinganewbusinessormakinginvestments. I...
Economics is about demand and scarcity and how it influences the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. Click for facts and worksheets in PDF format!
Theteachingprocessisdesignedasfollows: Leadin(5minutes): Teachingcontent:Introducetheconceptandmeaningofeconomics. TeachingActivities: 1.Introducethedefinitionandfunctionofeconomicsandexplaintheimportanceofeconomicsinourdailylife. 2.Designasmallgameforstudentstoplayingroups.Eachgroupchoosesarepresentativetoansweraquest...
First and foremost, Uruguay is not a rich country. But if you go back about 150 years, it was almost equal to the United States. Unfortunately, this was when Uruguay began to shift away from markets. At the conference where I’m speaking, one of the Uruguayans shared a slide showing th...
project’s life cycle, the CEF in effect synthesizes three costing methods: analytic, similarity and parametric. Key tools include ProMo+ from IAES Company for database management; QDV from Quotalys Ltd for managing analytical estimates and versioning; and TruePlanning® from PRICE® Systems ...
A.Because economics is as irregular as weather. B.Because economics is as important as weather to our daily life. C.Because economics condition can be judged according to weather. D.Because it is not easy to predict the future condition of economics. ...
What’s more, personal information about almost every part of our lives may (7)be collected (collect). (8)Although there are some problems with the sharing economy, what is in no doubt is that the sharing economy is (9)increasingly (increasing)relevant to our daily lives and the...
The purpose of the end session is to summarize and evaluate the content of this lesson,and to guide students to think about how to connect what they have learned with real life. 6 Content:Summarize and evaluate the learning content of this lesson,and guide students to think about how to ap...
Many years ago back in eighteen ninety, a famous British economist named Alfred Marshall said economics is the study of people in the ordinary business of life. It's a nice phrase I think. The circular flow diagram is just a way of thinking about the ordinary business of life. ...
Chapter 7: Game Theory I7.1 Why Game Theory?Payoff interdependency: the optimal choice by an agent depends on the actions of othersIn contrast withdecision-theoretic situation: no recognized payoff interdependencyE.g. in decision-theoretic: gas & electricity pricing; Windows’ operating system; ...