So (as long as everybody believed that promise) nobody had to answer the question “What’s a ten-pound note worth?” By the time paper money stopped being redeemable for gold or silver — 90 years ago for the British pound — its value had a long tradition behind it. So while the...
The nature of law and justice [Paper presented at the Economics and Business Educators HSC Legal Studies Students' Conference (1998: NSW Teachers Federatio... Informit is an online service offering a wide range of database and full content publication products that deliver the vast majority of ...
Based on the characteristics of the HSC, the emission reduction analysis model of hydrogen in the sectoral decarbonization pathway is based on the bottom–up engineering model, with the baselines mainly based on traditional fossil energy technology. The indicators of the emission reduction potential are...
Following the development of a value of vaccination (VoV) framework for health technology assessment/cost-effectiveness analysis (HTA/CEA), and identification of three vaccination benefits for near-term inclusion in HTA/CEA, this final paper provides decision makers with methods and examples to conside...