19 March 2024 Navigating Uncertainties towards Just Energy Transitions This special issue aims to serve as a platform for scholars around the globe to exchange ideas from a variety of perspectives. Supporting by the International Society for Energy Transition Studies (ISETS), it seeks to unite cutti...
These studies confirm Scitovsky’s insight that “in man’s striving for his various goals in life, being on the way to those goals and struggling to achieve them are more satisfying than is the actual attainment of the goal” (Scitovsky1992[1976], p.62). Trust in others fosters creati...
(or something in between). In an add mode, customers start with a base model and then add more or better options. In a delete frame, the opposite process occurs, whereby customers have to deselect options or downgrade from a fully-loaded model. Past research suggests that consumers end up...
of information structure: open loop means that the strategies are only a function of time, closed loop no memory means that the strategies are a function of time and current state, and closed loop memory means that the strategies are a function of time and current as well as past states. ...
When I was in high school, my English teacher must have had a free period at the time when my math class met, because every day he would march into the math class and empty his pockets on the table, whereupon my math teacher did the same. Then whoever had put down the most money ...
late last week. “From the CBC training, we are required to take videos, pictures and in some lessons use the television as a teaching tool, but we do not have any of the supporting equipment and books at my school,” said Mrs Jackline Mueni, a Grade Three teacher in a public ...
March 31, 1932 Dear Miss Prescott: I regret that my delay in writing you and in sending the summary of my thesis should have caused you the trouble and annoyance of writing me age in about it. For the past two weeks I have been exceedingly busy finishing the thesis while carrying the ...
or its affiliates has received compensation for investment banking services provided within the past 12 months from United States, China, Mexico, Venezuela, Greece, Nigeria, South Korea, Japan, Argentina, Russian Federation, Taiwan, France, Norway, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Canada, Australia, ...
Starting with papers submitted March 1, 2014, the review process for articles submitted to the Economics of Education Review will no longer be double blind. Authors are requested to include a title page with authors' names and affiliation. Reviewers will continue to be anonymous. Benefits to ...
Accepted12March2010 Keywords: Kindergartencutoff Regressiondiscontinuity Birthtiming abstract Manystatesrequirechildrentoreachage5byaspecifieddateinthecalendaryearinorderto beginkindergarten.Weusebirthcertificaterecordsfrom1999to2004toassesswhether parentssystematicallytimechildbirthbeforetheseeligibilitycutoffdatestocapt...