Welfare Economics and Human Capital Formation in India with Special Reference to the Weaker Section of the PopulationSingh, SameekshaSpecial Education
This is consistent with the findings of Hérault and Kalb (2013) on the inter-generational persistence of job security in Australia, and more generally with the extensive work of Bukodi and Goldthorpe (2018) and others on the inter-generational persistence of class in Britain. We find ...
Paul Krugman, Nobel prize-winning economist, Op-Ed columnist for the New York Times, and Emeritus Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton, discusses the books that most influenced his formation as a liberal economist.
That was the decade of interest in human capital theory, and since then the growing health bill of Western countries has drawn similar attention to health economics as a specialization. This is unlikely to change in the years to come, and health economics is perhaps the field in the applied ...
it entails the productive use of human labour, and through the caring and rearing of children, unpaid work contributes to the formation of human capital. While unpaid work is excluded from, and falls outside of, the national income accounts and GDP measurements, it falls within the general pro...
traditional groups linked toprimary sectorexports acquired in those countries. The resulting call for inward-oriented development, based on a push for import-substituting industrialization, productive diversification, and the formation of a modern national entrepreneurial class, was expected to augment nation...
In the study, they show that working class boys are disproportionately channelled to indigenous language schools which typically lead to traditional occupations, despite high returns to English language education. The suggested reason is that traditional occupations, which depend on local job networks, ...
Some argued that there would be an overestimation of the returns to this type of human capital, which would capture the effect of factors such as experience, natural ability, social class, and family connections (Renshaw [1960]). Moreover, and because these were hard to specify and measure,...
From 1912, when the Royal Navy placed orders for the oil-firedQUEEN ELIZABETH-class battleships, access to oil quickly became a primary concern for the British Empire. Imperial Japan was pushed into the Pearl Harbor gamble by an American embargo on petroleum exports, and the rapid seizure of ...
Victoria WilsonPhotography,TravelLeave a commentFebruary 12, 2025 Now that people are talking in groups… Robin Hanson wrote recently about hisStatus Circles. They start on an enormous scale with the whole universe and then life on Earth. But when most people focus on nation, acquaintances, and...