Article Open access 01 July 2023 Educational Attainment Past the Traditional Age of Completion for Two Cohorts of US Adults: Inequalities by Gender and Race/Ethnicity Article Open access 16 December 2021 Social class origin and income variations among degree holders: evidence from Italy Article...
These fixed effects cover factors such as the completion day of the diaries, residential region, social class, occupation, and health status. Additionally, the estimates incorporate sample weights provided by the CaDDI data at the individual level. We report robust standard errors. Equation (1) ...
his paper on his role in the birth of the Planning Programming Budgeting System, “Beginning of Military Cost Analysis 1950-1961” (March 1988)]. ___ Fun fact: Mildred L. Hartsough was listed in her college yearbook (University of Minnesota, class of 1919) as having been a member of th...
The same picture plays out across several graduating LDCs, where an affluent, educated urban class take advantage of the opportunities of industrialisation and international openness, leaving others behind. Bangladesh is hardly unique. In Vientiane, the capital of Lao PDR, you can order a fine duck...
Although most of the poorest 20% in advanced economies live materially richer lives than the middle class in the 1900′s, one’s income rank, as opposed to the absolute income, is what predicts life satisfaction (Boyce et al., 2010). For those who don’t ‘win’, a lack of perceived...
New Sustainable Economics Global Discussion Paperdoi:10.35551/PFQ_2023_1_8SMART citiesECONOMIC forecastingECONOMIC statisticsBUSINESSPEOPLEINCOME inequalityENVIRONMENTAL economicsNATURAL resourcesGLOBAL Financial Crisis, 2008-2009Kolozsi, Pál PéterPublic Finance Quarterly (0031-496X)...
Having said that, I must also salute not just Dr Singh but all his family members. Not a word despite all the allegations when he was alive and even after his death. I mean what class and composure. I don’t remember this blog being so emotional and gutted as it has felt after the...
With the A2 multiple-choice paper fast approaching in the southern hemisphere, here is a note on the accelerator. The accelerator theory states that investment is determined by the RATE AT WHICH INCOME, AND HENCE OUTPUT, CHANGES OVER TIME. The principle states simply that unless the rate of in...
(2023), this paper allows household composition variables and household characters to influence both resource allocation and personal consumption preference. Moreover, we assume preference parameters are similar across people and types. Thus, \(\beta\) and \(c\) do not vary across household members...
Given sufficient network capacity, neural networks can represent a wide class of functions, including solutions to PDEs like the pricing equation. However, challenges remain in finding the optimal network parameters to recover the true solution robustly. While existence is guaranteed, the non-convex ...