Saudi Arabia Riyal The USDSAR spot exchange rate specifies how much one currency, the USD, is currently worth in terms of the other, the SAR. While the USDSAR spot exchange rate is quoted and exchanged in the same day, the USDSAR forward rate is quoted today but for delivery and payment...
I was involved in star Projects at Enterprise Architect Project: Togaf for smart city Dubai, HAAD, Prime minister Office Dubai.I worked with Partner Of Oracle Corporation (netcustomer) Largest HCM ERP solution provider for Peoplesoft HR world wide. Largest BI Software company SAP Corporation. Exam...
This chart displays Policy Interest Rate (%, eop) for Middle East & North Africa, Latin America, Euro Area, South Asia, Major Economies from 2010 to 2024. Policy Interest Rate (%) Data 20202021202220232024 Afghanistan0.81--- Albania0.500.502.753.252.75 Algeria...
The chart shows the optimal climate mitigation policy, based upon minimization of (a) the combined projected costs of climate mitigation policy and (b) residual net costs from human-caused climate change, is much closer to the non-policy option of 4.1°C than restraining warming to 2.5°C. B...
This chart displays Economic Growth (Real GDP, ann. var. %) for Middle East & North Africa, Latin America, Euro Area, South Asia, Major Economies from 2010 to 2023. Economic Growth (GDP, annual variation in %) Data 20192020202120222023 Afghanistan 3.9 -2.4 -14.5 -6.2 2.7 Albania 2.1...
International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address. YearInternational Collaboration 2009...
It is time for a change. Sadly, Americans have also accumulated the largest mountain of household debt in the history of the world. The following chart which comes directly from the Federal Reserve shows the growth of household and non-profit organization debt over the years… ...
The graph below (Figure 2 from Brown et al, 2013) shows pre- and post-tax income GINI coefficients for a selection of countries, including the larger economies in Latin America. In the European countries, such as Belgium and Sweden, on this chart, the GINI coefficient after tax (dark bars...
End of interactive chart. This chart displays Economic Growth (Real GDP, ann. var. %) for Middle East & North Africa from 2010 to 2023. 20192020202120222023 Private Consumption (annual variation in %)3.1-4.2-7.4- Economic Growth (Real GDP, ann. var. %)1.8- ...
Meanwhile oil has continued its tentative recovery, alternately inflated by hopes for vaccines and depressed by news of lockdowns. To boost prices, Saudi Arabia has said it will limit output by a further 1m barrels a day in February and March. ...