IB Economics HL Paper 3—1 hour 45 minutes To get a sense of what you’ll be expected to do in this time frame, check out the program information briefs for IB Economics SL and IB Economics HL. Both include information about the new assessment model and a few sample questions. Here are...
This paper provides a theory of endogenous implicit guarantees on risky assets, in which a government’s bailouts take the form of asset purchases to alleviate asymmetric information on private liquidity needs. As a result of asymmetric information, direct transfers to agents are imperfect so that, ...
This paper provides a theory of endogenous implicit guarantees on risky assets, in which a government’s bailouts take the form of asset purchases to alleviate asymmetric information on private liquidity needs. As a result of asymmetric information, direct transfers to agents are imperfect so that, ...
1 for a sample restricted to the beginning of the first year in the upper panel and a sample restricted to the end of the first year in the bottom panel. From the table we see that there are many differences in beliefs and values between business and other students, both at the start ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a deleterious impact on the world economy. Studies have documented the disproportional impact of the pandemic on minorities,
摘要:This paper examines the role of internal locus of control in shaping transitions into homelessness. The data is taken from a longitudinal Australian dataset comprising a sample of vulnerable individuals. The results, based on a Wooldridge Conditional Maximum Likelihood (WCML) estimator, show that...
In this paper, and after scanning the principal concepts and techniques about the mathematics of chaos and the fractal geometry, we analyze the possibilities of application of these valuable tools to the different areas of Economics. After a set of general considerations, within a wide landscape, ...
Lunch Seminar in Economics: Large sample properties of the Matrix Exponential Spatial Specification with an application to FDI This paper studies large sample properties of the matrix exponential spatial specification (MESS). We find that the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) for the MESS is ...
with little opportunity for teacher–student interaction. In this paper we evaluate the effectiveness of live tutoring calls from teachers, designed to supplement radio instruction during the 2020 school closures prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We do this with a randomised controlled trial with 4...
by 1.9 weeks, (b) reduces monthly earnings in the next job by 1.6%, and (c) reduces total earnings in the formal labor market by 3.6% over a three-year period. Second, the paper studies the impact of a one-month extension in unemployment insurance (UI) on a comparable sample of ...