Author Mayank ChaturvediPosted on December 13, 2024Categories Agent based Computational Economics, Applied Economics, Applied Mathematics, Business Dynamics, Complex Systems, Complex Thought, Complexity, Complexity Economics, Cybernetics, Cycles, Economic Dynamics, Economic Growth Theory, Evolutionary Economics,...
This is the second edition of the most original and important book to have emerged from the financial crisis of 2007-08. In it, the authors explain that not enough has changed since then to make banking safe. On the contrary, the highly profitable — for banks — moral hazard of being ...
We ought, therefore, to be celebrating the publication of the “Wealth of Nations,” and the memory of its author; but are we doing so? With a single exception, I am unacquainted with any public ceremony, or anything tending to mark this as a centennial year in Great Britain. Perhaps th...
Mineral Resource Governance in the 21st century: a necessity Towards global mineral and metal governance A sustainable European Union in the global context Conclusions Notes References Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementDisco...
but many studies erroneously forecast impending peak production or exhaustion because they confuse reserves with “all there is”. Reserves are formally defined as a subset of resources,and even current and potential resources are only a small subset of “all there is” (italics by the author)....
The presence of the Customhouse appears strange, as it invokes the possibility that Customs officials collected the revenue. However, in an advertisement in the October 12th edition of theDaily Post,Hamblin specified that payments could be collected in the Long Room of the Customs House. The Long...
{\prime}\). This allows filtering out common unobserved components in the form of level and growth. It further notes that long lag orders can be used if\(N\), i.e., the number of cross-sections is large. Thus, the A-PMG with CSAs of the variables is expressed in the following ...
Notes The interpretation and reporting of these data are the sole responsibility of the author, and no endorsement by the Norwegian Patient Register is intended nor should be inferred. Software (grouper version NOR2011co1F) was supplied by the Finnish firm DataWell Oy based upon classifications by...
A part of this article was initially presented at the 12th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), Verona, 22 June 2011. A more complete version was presented at the 17th EWEPA, Porto, 29 June 2022. The author thanks Jesus Felipe and Erwin Diewert for providing ...