of the indices of machine-tool manufacture in the USA and USSR make it possible properly to evaluate the course, prospects and results of the economic competition, and will facilitate discovery of means of carrying out, even more quickly and efficiently, the principal economic task of the USSR....
THE USSR AND THE USA IN THE POSTWAR YEARS. DIPLOMATIC AND MILITARY ASPECTS (1944-1960) The postwar Soviet-American relations, circumscribed to the so-called period of the Cold War, represent one of the most interesting and complex chapters of... C Sandache - Buletin Stiintific - Scientific...
Today’s show is the annual year end summary of the more important events and developments for 2024 for the economy and politic: A review of the US economy inflation trends, Fed rate policies, US goods sector recession, USA’s runaway budget deficit and national debt, Longshore union negotiat...
USA, United States polity USSR Uttar Pradesh Uzbekistan Vallabhbhai Patel Vicky Cristina Barcelona Vietnam War Virgnia Tech Voting Wall Street Wall Street financial crises Walter Bagehot Walter Kaufmann War War crimes Wei Jingsheng Welfare Economics Westminster model William E ...
Spreading communism Cold War: struggle for world power between the US and the Soviet Union Domino Theory: if one country fell to communism, its neighbors would likely fall too Korean War was fought to stop the spread of communism into Korea from neighboring China in 1950. It ended 3 years ...
Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) International best-selling author, journalist and counter-intelligence expert Daniel Estulin says the problems in the world revolve around the rapidly dying financial system and a “coming global bankr
M. Kudrov, Sector Chief at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which touches upon some questions of the economic competition between the USSR and USA, in particular, describing an approach to the examination of that problem and its ...
The Economic Policy of the USSR in the Tension-Filled Area Between China and the USAdoi:10.1002/qua.560382413TUNGSTEN OXIDEMAGNESIUM FLUORIDECATALYTIC PROPERTIESIn this article we propose a new topology, based on the stable attractors of the gradient field of the potent...
M. Kudrov, Sector Chief at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which touches upon some questions of the economic competition between the USSR and USA, in particular, describing an approach to the examination of that problem and its ...
Contemporary Conditions of Economic Competition Between the USSR and the USAThe competition between the Soviet Union and the United States of America has been taking place during the past few years in a complex international atmosphere under changing conditions of economic development in both countries....