As the 1970s drew to a close, the Keynesian consensus that had held since the conclusion of World War II, was breaking down and began being replaced with what most of the world would come to call “neoliberalism.” (A term that can be confusing for North Americans; “neoliberalism” refer...
2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce ...
Thus, in dealing with the history of the Italian Risorgimento, he has to investigate to what extent and in what manner the idea of an Italian national state and to what extent and in what manner the idea of a secular papal state influenced the attitudes of the various individuals and grou...
In spite of their common root, these two methods radically differ in the conceptual approach to the problem and, as a consequence, in the obtained outcomes. The MR approach measures a country’s economic complexity as the average of the complexities of the products in its export basket. In ...
Investors should also not overlook the subjective nature of economic forecasting. Predictions are heavily influenced by what type of economic theory the forecaster buys into. Projections can differ considerably between, for example, one economist who believesbusiness activityis determined by thesupply of ...
Many states however, are reluctant to offer amnesty programs arguing that it rewards cheaters and discourages honest taxpayers, and more importantly encourages people to hold back on their taxes and simply wait for the next amnesty. Others differ, counter-arguing that tax amnesties, particularly unde...
I also don't believe it makes sense to have a receiver, which is where this would differ from EconomicEvent. The receiver is kinda just the EconomicResource being measured, and that's not an agent. If the measurement is relevant to other agents besides the one doing the measuring, they ...
differ in economic complexity— everything else being constant across countries—manifest differences in their environmental performance. That is, if a country moves to a higher level of economic complexity its environmental performance will be better. Furthermore, moving away from using carbon emissions...
Although some of the estimates differ, our findings hold qualitatively, despite using less than 40% of our sample. Model (VI) extends model (III) by adding a control for income inequality at the neighborhood level. As can be seen, adding this control leaves our estimates largely unchanged. ...
What makes China's reforms differ from those of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union is the sustained entry and expansion of the non-state sector. We argue that the organization structure of the economy matters. Unlike their unitary hierarchical structure based on functional or specialization ...