a survey of the cross-country empirical evidence. IMF Working Paper WP/98/169. Vreeland JR (2006) IMF program compliance: aggregate index vs. policy specific research strategies. Rev Int Org 1:359–378 Article Google Scholar World Bank (2022) World development indicators. The World Bank ...
For research purposes, we transformed all variables into natural logarithms. However, before transforming variables to logarithmic forms, we present descriptive statistics for each variable and the panel. Table2shows a statistical summary of the actual values for each country and the panel. Table 2 ...
It should also be noted that 2015, 2016, and 2017 are relatively average years for European temperatures, so the impact of exceptional heatwave or cold spell events, such as the one being experienced at the time of writing of this study in 2023, would be considerably greater than the ...
energyandfoodpriceinflation,alongwithEMDEsderivedfromConsensusEconomicssurveysinrespectivemonthsof2023. slowingconsumerdemandforgoodsandthe 12CHAPTER1GLOBALECONOMICPROSPECTS|JANUARY2024 FIGURE1.6Globalfinancialdevelopmentsrecoveryofglobalsupplychains,exerted Advanced-economymonetarypoliciesareexpectedtoremaintight—significantdow...
Fundação Amazônia de Amparo a Estudos e Pesquisas80; Canada, Statistics Canada81; Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics82; India, Ministry of Finance Economic Survey83). RR is the relative risk of mortality caused by heatwaves. HWN is the number of heatwave days for the given year...
The July 2023 Survey of Consumer Expectations from the New York Fed shows that the one-year-ahead inflation expectation declined for the fourth consecutive month to 3.5% at the short-term horizon, its lowest reading since April 2021. Eurozone. The growth rate in second qua...
A separate 2018 survey found, however, that 61% of respondents perceived that the higher education system was going in the wrong direction. The top concerns expressed were high tuition fees and insufficient preparation of students for the workplace. Promotion of specific political standpoints on ...
In a previous survey of housing conditions in Nouna, Burkina Faso, we found that average roof surfaces were 18 m2 [37]. Most homes in this area use mud bricks or “adobe” roofs coated with a fatty shea butter known as “beurre de Karité”, accounting for 75% of households in 2014...
C. Participation in cancer screening in Germany: Results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) [Inanspruchnahme von Krebsfrüherkennungsuntersuchungen. Ergebnisse der Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland (DEGS1)]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung ...
2015–2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (United States Census Bureau, 2019); https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs Download references Acknowledgements We thank Cuebiq, who kindly provided us with the mobility dataset for this research through their Data for Good program. S.W....