Monthly data for consumption expenditure, disposable income, and CESI in Eurozone countries are obtained from the European Commission Eurostat at Our statistical analysis covers January 1995 through September 2014.Shokoofeh Fazel...
European Union (1995–2020) Eurostat database. Accessed 7 Oct 2020 Farid Y, Schettino M, Kapila AK, Hamdi M, Cuylits N, Wauthy P, Ortiz S (2020) Decrease in surgical activity in the COVID-19 pandemic: an economic crisis. Br J Surg 7:10. https:...
The population-weighted unemployment rates before the COVID-19 crisis (i.e. as of February 2020, source: Eurostat) shows a clear differential pattern between the four country groups considered: those countries with the highest search intensity for unemployment (displayed in red) had an average ...
International Organization for Migration. (2021).Total number of international migrants at mid-year 2020. &t=2020. Retrieved 21 Jan 2024. Eurostat. (2016).First and second-generation immigrants—Statistics on main characteristics.htt...
The euro area trade surplus dropped slightly in December as the increase in imports exceeded the exports growth, data from Eurostat showed on Monday. The trade surplus decreased to EUR 15.5 billion in December from EUR 16.0 billion in November. Exports logged an increase of 3.1 percent from las...
In economic news, Eurozone industrial production recovered in August largely due to the rebound in capital goods and durable consumer goods output, data from Eurostat showe. Industrial output posted a monthly growth of 1.8% in August, reversing July's 0.5% decline. The growth came in line ...
but the growth was still meager as the biggest two economies contracted and overall employment logged only a marginal increase, official data showed on Friday. Gross domestic product grew by revised 0.1 percent sequentially, flash estimate from Eurostat revealed. This follows 0.4 percent growth in ...
The Italian labor market remains resilient despite the weakening in the economy, with the latest figures from Eurostat showing unemployment stable at 7.9%, while wages grew by 2.2% according to Istat. We expect the labor market to weaken as a result of the slowdown in economic activity this ...
Source: FRED Economic data, Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, UK Office of National Statistics, Eurostat, CEIC Asian Emerging Markets ex-China: Pacing Ahead Meanwhile, emerging markets continue to outperform developed economies. According to IMF estimates, around 70% of the globa...
Sources:AREAER(database);ConsensusEconomics;Eurostat;FederalReserveBankofSt.Louis; to900millionin2022(FAOetal.2023).TheHaverAnalytics;OxfordEconomics;WorldBank. Note:AEs=advancedeconomies;CPI=consumerpriceindex;EMDEs=emergingmarketand recentsurgeinricepricesislikelytoexacerbatedevelopingeconomies. foodinsecurityas...