Supreme Court of Florida Holds That Economic Loss Doctrine Applies Only to Product Liability CasesAlison FinneganGordon WoodwardEric SmithJonathan SternBruce MerensteinCarl SolanoMatthew TamascoKeith Whitson
Self-professed radio guru Jessie Kelly recently did a show discussing the reality that, often, what seems like a win in life can turn out to be a loss, and what seems like a loss can turn out to be a win. I was thinking about this regarding the uproar from the vice-presidential deba...
The Economic Substance Doctrine in Florida Property TaxThis edition of "Florida Tax Today" outlines how the economic substance doctrine can apply in the context of Florida property tax.Hogan, Steven
The Economic Substance Doctrine in Florida Sales and Use TaxThis edition of "Florida Tax Today" examines the economic substance doctrine in the sales and use tax context. Unlike federal income tax law, in FloriHogan, Steven