Trading Economics provides data for 20 million economic indicators from 196 countries including actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, historical time series and news. Economic Indicators | List By Country - was last updated on Saturday, December 7
After many years of meticulous preparation, we successfully presented the world with streamlined, safe, and splendid 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, thus making great contributions to promoting the Olympic movement as well as solidarity and friendship among the peoples of all countries. 新冠...
Countries Indicators Latest Comparator Rankings Commodities Guide Download data List of available indicatorsGDP and economic growth Economic growth: the rate of change of real GDP annual availability Definition data Gross Domestic Product, billions of 2010 U.S. dollars annual availabili...
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China is the main trading partner of over 140 countries and regions, with its total volume of foreign trade in goods ranking first globally for seven consecutive years. China has expanded its circle of friends under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to include more than 150 countries and 30...
CountriesDateDebt (%GDP) United States [+]2023118.73% United Kingdom [+]202399.97% France [+]2023109.90% Spain [+]2023105.10% Italy [+]2023134.80% Portugal [+]202397.90% Government debt is the total financial obligations incurred by the government of a nation. Also is known as public debt, ...
of the countries involved and the particular circumstances of the companies or individuals.Many countries (particularly OECD countries) have laws that make it difficult for their residents to own a company (or have an investment) in a tax haven without paying tax either in the tax haven or ...
-- Scientific and technological fruits should benefit humanity as a whole, instead of becoming a means to restrict or contain the development of other countries. -- We should advance international exchanges and cooperation on science and technology with a more open mindset and more open measures, ...
opportunity. We embrace investments from businesses of all countries with open arms, and will work tirelessly to foster a market-oriented, law-based and world-class business environment. We will steadily expand institutional opening up, continue to shorten the negative list for foreign investment, ...
China's trade in goods has ranked first in the world for seven consecutive years, and the country is now a major trading partner with more than 150 countries and regions, data released by the General Administration of Customs showed on Tuesday. ...