The Economic Law of Market Areas, so named by Fetter, is concerned with the division of a territory between two competing centers. It is argued that this Law can be conveniently examined in terms of six cases, each of which is specified ... John,B.,Parr - 《Journal of Regional Science...
Rau and the economic law of market areas. Journal of Regional Science, 25 (2), pp. 191-199.Shieh YN (1985) KH Rau and the economic law of market areas. J Reg Sci 25(2):191-199Shieh, Yeung-nan K. H. Rau and the Economic Law of Market Areas ,” Journal of Regional Science ,...
Economic Laws The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.Economic Lawsthe necessary, stable, and recurrent causal relationships and interdependences of economic phenomena in the course of the production, distribution, and exchange of go...
This move follows a high-profile symposium focusing on private enterprises held on February 17, which was attended by representatives of private entrepreneurs. The NDRC said it would revise and publish a new negative list for market access as early as possible, and would continue efforts to ensure...
This move follows a high-profile symposium focusing on private enterprises held on Monday, which was attended by representatives of private entrepreneurs. The NDRC said it would revise and publish a new negative list for market access as early as possible and would continue efforts to ensure fair...
Economicconditions may lie responsible for the creation of social unrest. 经济状况可能是产生社会不安的根源. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 Experts regarded it as a warning signal of aneconomicsmashup. 专家们把它看作是一场经济灾难的警告信号. 《简明英汉词典》 ...
Economic law refers to a branch of law that regulates economic contracts, companies, partnerships, bankruptcy, anti-monopoly measures, security transactions, and foreign investment laws within a market economy. It focuses on managing economic activities, ensuring contract integrity, and respecting property...
Several related strands of literature on law, institutions, finance, and economic growth have emerged in financial economics in recent years, and their impact on other areas of research has been significant. First, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, Vishny (LLSV hereafter) and others have pro...
Monetary policy decisions from Australia and Japan on Wednesday and Friday, respectively, will be market-moving events too. Before that however, investors have a deluge of headlines from China this weekend to digest. The annual session of the National People's Congress, and reports...
The rule of law is imperative in market-oriented reforms and improving the business environment, according to Zhang. As it transforms from high-speed growth to high-quality development, China has pledged stronger legislation and law enforcement efforts in key undertakings like the supply-side structur...