We focus on counterfeiting and its economic effects on trade in Italy during the economic crisis. Using a newly built regional dataset and a dynamic panel model, we find evidence of the dual impact of counterfeiting. The production (and exchange) of fake goods depresses the legal market that ...
Whetherit is a positive recovery in 2023, or a steady rise in the first two months of this year, or going back in time to the 1997 Asian financial crisis or t
Cooley:I think it's the responsibility of a lot of businesses and corporations to have that mindset of being a good relative, a good ancestor, to help those around them and to help spread that education, the awareness that everyone should be prepared for any type of climate change impact...
The impact of economic crisis on firm relocation: Greek SME movement to Bulgaria and its effects on business performanceEconomic crisisFirm relocationGreeceBusiness performanceThe 2007 global economic crisis and public policies implemented to resolve it have modified the conditions under which enterprises ...
Social and humanitarian aspects of the pandemic are also causing stress and anxiety in the public. Women, children, and the elderly are highly exposed to the virus, as they are among the weaker sections of the society and thus are more vulnerable. The lockdown has also compromised the safety...
Economic circumstances are difficult at institutions which are less successfully competitive, and the impact of the global recession starting in 2008 continues to exert negative influence. Tuition fees are often a vital element in institutional funding. Students may need to take out loans to pay ...
The Great Depression of the 1930s is considered one of the worst economic collapses in history due to its global impact, while the extent of the fallout from the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic remains to be seen. Understanding Economic Collapse ...
To our knowledge, no previous study has assessed the interplay of social, cognitive and affective factors before a diagnosis of osteoarthritis and its impact on limitations in activities of daily living and pain severity following diagnosis. Previous longitudinal studies on the relationship between osteoa...
the mixing of water sources as a result of residential mobility. The concordance of human and faunal strontium and oxygen results, combined with elevated δ13C values corresponding to almost exclusive reliance on C4produce, points to the possibility of seasonal movement of people with their herds ...
Therefore, the question is, what is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy? What is the policy response to the new-normal situation, especially the monetary policy of the central banks of other countries, as well as in Vietnam? As we know, the objectives of the monetary ...