Journal of Sport ManagementCrompton, John L. 1995. "Economic Impact Analysis of Sports Facilities and Events: Eleven Sources of Misapplication."JournalofSports Man- ageieiat.January, 9, pp. 27-29.Crompton, J., "Economic impact analysis of sports facilities and events: El...
The economic impact of sports facilities, teams and megaevents - Siegfried, Zimbalist - 2006 () Citation Context ...rged over the past 10 to 15 years, to examine both the general aspects ofsSMEs and more specific issues of urban development and civic/national “branding”s(see, for ...
The Economic Impact of Sports:体育对经济的影响 热度: 经济周期影响 热度: 471 LTA4/00•P.471–488 PERTTILAHDENPERÄ ImpactofEconomicCycles ontheUseofAlternative ProcurementMethods inConstruction ABSTRACT Anappropriateprocurementmethodisakeymeansofhelpingachievethespecificgoalsofabuild- ...
L. 1995. ‘Economic impact of sports facilities and events: Eleven sources of misapplication’. Journal of Sport Management 9: 14–35. DSpark 2018. Commonwealth Games Mobility Intelligence. Unpublished report submitted to Tourism Research Australia. Dixon, P. B., Parmenter, B. R., Sutton,...
it has since grown into a four-week-long event with over 400 teams from more than 20 states in attendance. Each year’s attendance and economic impact surpass those of the previous year. In 2019, the event played out at Frank Brown Park and the new Panama City Beach Sports Complex...
Recognition of the economic impact from our industry continues to build on the Sports Destination Management mission: dedication to the advancement in understanding the distinctions of planning, implementing and managing sports events and travel, particularly the event/destination relationship. As the corner...
The intention of this study is to analyze the economic impact of redeveloped Major League Baseball stadiums opened between 1991 and 2004. Using two empirical models, including an event study, this impact analysis captures the economic conditions of the cities during the opening year of the stadium...
supportforpublicfinancingofnewstadiumfacilitiesfrequentlycommissioneconomicimpact studiesthatreportlargecontributionsfromprofessionalsportsteamstolocaleconomies.For example,theOregonBaseballCampaign,agroupdedicatedtobringingMLBtoPortland, reportedthat“a MLB team and ballpark would generate between $170 and $300 million...
Sports Destination Managementis proud to announce the 2018 “Champions of Economic Impact in Sports Tourism” award winners. An overwhelming number of nominations was received, all of which represented a variety of sports. And despite the fact there was so much variance in the type of event and...
Impact of Private-Public Partnerships on Economic Growth Economic growth is driven by investment and increases in productive output, making it possible for individual workers to command a higher value for their labor and to achieve a higherstandard of living. Do PPPs allow resources to be ...