"We will continue to work to ensure a level playing field to foster a favorable trade and investment environment," the declaration says. The world continues to confront profound challenges posed by the impacts of climate change. The leaders recognize that more intensive efforts are needed for econ...
The governments of these countries can achieve higher GGDP by ensuring political stability and reliable macroeconomic policies and through making such flexible policies that can easily control or address unpredictable future economic issues. Keywords: Green growth, Economic policy uncertainty, Institutional ...
"We will continue to work to ensure a level playing field to foster a favorable trade and investment environment," the declaration says. The world continues to confront profound challenges posed by the impacts of climate change. The leaders recognize that more intensive efforts are needed for econ...
NAIROBI, March 27 (Xinhua) -- The crisis of food waste and loss has reached alarming levels globally, undermining efforts to eradicate hunger, poverty and environmental pollution, said the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in a new report launched Wednesday. The UNEP Food Waste Index Repo...
The study presents evidence supporting the existence of the EKC, indicating that economic growth negatively impacts the environment until a certain threshold of income is reached. Moreover, our results indicate that renewable energy weakens the relationship between economic growth and carbon emissions. ...
BEIJING, April 22 (Xinhua) -- By global comparisons, China's modest inflation has allowed leeway for policymakers to support growth, but the colliding impacts of geopolitical conflicts and the resurgence of COVID-19 cases at home are complicating the government's balancing act. ...
relatedtotheassumptionofadditiveseparability,aswellasdevelopmentofadditional macroeconomicmodelsthatallowforamorerealisticroleforgovernment. KeyWords:EconomicGrowth,Environment,KuznetsCurve JELCodes:O11,O13 ___ TheodorePanayotouistheDirectoroftheProgramonEnvironmentandSustainable DevelopmentattheCenterforInternationalDevelop...
and uphold the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its center. We should make generally acceptable and effective rules for artificial intelligence and digital economy on the basis of full consultatio...
There has been a significant surge in academic research in recent years focussing on the relationship between the environment and economic growth. These studies have explored various economic and technological factors, such as income levels, trade openness, urbanization, financial development, energy consu...
As (Stern, 2017) note, it is necessary to reveal the effects of other variables other than economic growth within the EKC framework. Banking on these current issues of global environment and carbon emissions, we ask the following questions: What is the current shape of global EKC when new ...