We worked relentlessly to ensure stability on six fronts and security in six areas, * with a particular emphasis on the latter, in order to steer the economy through various trials and difficulties and sustain growth. (*The six fronts refer to employment, the financial sector, foreign trade, ...
微观经济学英文题库:chapter 23 Economic Growth.doc,Economics, 11e, Global Edition (Parkin) Chapter 23 Economic Growth 1 The Basics of Economic Growth 1) The best definition for economic growth is A) a sustained expansion of production possibilities measu
Each country thus had its own specialized products and services. Their growth rates were fast. From 1870 to 1913, the Scandinavian countries outperformed the rest of Europe in the growth rates of individuals and achieved a spectacular convergence with the richest countries, especially in standards of...
While economic growth has lifted many people out of poverty, it has also widened the rich-poor gap. Quality growth will benefit all levels of Chinese society; While China has been dominated by large state-owned enterprises, the government could take steps to encourage entrepreneurship and small b...
late1940swhentheUNSystemofNationalAccountswasdeveloped.Formostofhumanhistory,economicgrowthwas amereblip.Onlythelasteightgenerationsofhumanshaveexperiencedconsistentgrowth.Asthefatherofgreen economics,HermanDaly,pointsout:“Historically,steadystateisthenormalcondition;growthisanaberration.”By “steadystate,”Daly...
As the US writers Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster note: -growth capitalism is an oxymoron: when growth“No ceases, the system is in a state of crisis. ” economy depend, is sidelined— “not as a place with inherent boundaries within which human beings must live together with Eart h...
Reagantook office and pledged to reverse thetrendtoward big government and to rejuvenate the economy, based on the theory that cutting taxes would stimulate so much growth that tax revenues would actually rise. In May 1981, two months after there had been an assassination attempt on Reagan, Cong...
and have been contributing to global economic growth. And foreign enterprises' participation in the Chinese market can play an important role in a new development pattern characterized by the "dual circulation" development paradigm, in which the domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other, with...
As theUSwriters Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster note: “No-growth capitalism is an oxymoron: when growth ceases, the system is in a state of crisis.” The upshot is that the natural environment, on which human life and the human economy depend, is sidelined— “not as a place with...
The PRC State Council’s15-year planoutlines that 2.5% or more of national GDP should be devoted to research and development by 2020. 2008-2009: Global Financial Crisis The PRC experienced only a mild economic slowdown during the crisis. The country’s GDP growth in 2007 was a staggering 14....